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IOPC Funds Decides on Claims
Source:     Editor:     Date: 2013-8-16


The International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds) have paid a compensation following up on claims for the accidents of four vessels: the Volgoneft 139 (Russia), the Hebei Spirit (South Korea), Prestige (Spain), and the King Darwin (Canada).

Volgoneft 139

The 1992 Fund has now paid five of the eight claims outstanding in respect of the Volgoneft 139 incident, totalling some RUB 76 million. The remaining claims will be paid shortly.


The Claims Manager handling the Hebei Spirit incident visited Seoul, Republic of Korea from 8-11 July 2013. A meeting was held with the 1992 Fund’s lawyers to discuss the status of the objection proceedings to the Limitation Court’s judgement in respect of the Hebei Spirit incident, which are scheduled to commence before the end of July 2013. A meeting was also held with the members of the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries Hebei Spirit Task force on time bar and compensation issues in relation to the incident.


The criminal hearing of the Prestige incident recently concluded in the Court of La Coruna following an eight-month hearing. The judgement, together with a decision on claims for compensation submitted in respect of this incident, is expected at the end of 2013. During the hearing, the Court heard from over 130 witnesses and experts.

King Darwin

In July 2013, following the settlement by the shipowner and the Steamship Mutual P&I Club of the last pending claim in this incident, all legal proceedings commenced were withdrawn.

The Secretariat will provide a full update on all incidents currently involving the 1992 Fund at the next session of the 1992 Fund Executive Committee in October 2013.

 (Spill-international, Edited by Topco)