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HELCOM Map and Data Service Improved
Source:     Editor:     Date: 2013-7-19


Environmental information has been made easier to access and share thanks to the launch of the upgraded, no-cost map and data service from the Baltic Sea Marine Environment Protection Commission – HELCOM, headquartered in Finland. The improvements within the new service make the overall viewing, downloading and searching for information more efficient for any interested users.


The HELCOM data selection has increased rapidly during recent years, with the addition of up to more than 300 map layers presently available. The updated map and data service allows users to access and visualise this wide range of data on activities within the Baltic Sea, status of the sea and pollution loads affecting the Baltic marine environment, including information about monitoring activities and regional preparedness for accident response. As before, users can view, create and save or print their own maps, download datasets and create live links to the HELCOM GIS website. The improved data infrastructure also makes the sharing of data and information more user friendly.


External data to be imported

The data that is available through the HELCOM map and data service has been compiled through various different sources during several years. A large amount of work carried out by different HELCOM groups, experts, projects as well as the HELCOM Secretariat staff has contributed to the broad selection of data. Data produced by other organisations and projects can be displayed in the map service, either by uploading data with the upload tool or by using the online access to other data sources.

(Spill-international, Edited by Topco)