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Ultra-Oil Filter Boom
Source:     Editor:     Date: 2013-4-26

UltraTech International's Ultra-Oil Filter Boom features both a floating portion similar to traditional booms but also has a weighted skirt that hangs below the surface to capture subsurface oil.  Made with Ultra-X-Tex material, the boom allows water to instantly filter through the material pulling off the oil selectively as the material is lippophilic.

A 34” weighted skirt hangs below the boom capturing any oil that is underwater but close to the surface.   Additional 60” skirts can be quickly added for deeper water protection.

Multiple Booms can be connected for long, continuous runs and easy deployment/retrieval.  The unique material removes emulsified oil and dispersants.

UltraTech also provides the option of adding oil-eating microbes that can bio-remediate the booms.

The material that is used to make the Oil Filter Booms is called Ultra-X-Tex.  It is different from traditional polypropylene because it is a new and unique lipophilic media that is produced from recycled synthetic fibers. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, these fibers are blended and processed into a lightweight fiber mass with enormous surface area and interstitial spaces creating a high performance sorbent and filter media.  Ultra-X-Tex is cost effective in comparison to many conventional filtering media, adsorbing/absorbing an average of 20 times its own weight of liquid hydrocarbons.  And approximately 85-90 % of sorbed oils can be reclaimed and the media reused.

(UltraTech International, Edited by Topco)