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Airborne Oil Spill Surveillance System MEDUSA
Source:     Editor:     Date: 2013-4-26

MEDUSA is anadvanced data acquisition and processing system for airborne maritime surveillance developed by OPTIMARE Systems GmbH, Germany. MEDUSA system integrates the multi-sensor(SLAR、SAR、VIS、IR/UV、LFS、MWR、SR、FLIR) data with AIS, GIS, GPS, SATCOM and the powerful Mission data base in the Central Mission Computer. The most valuable data can be acquired, such as the position; coverage area; identification and classification of oil spill; estimation of film thickness; calculation of the oil volume on water surface; oil spill floating direction; create the documents and reports of pollution. These are efficient evidence for the oil spill pollution estimation and recovery reactions.



● Airborne maritime surveillance

● Airborne oil spill monitoring

● EEZ protection

● Border patrol

● Fishery patrol

● Hydrographic monitoring



● Mission planning

● Real-time display of sensor data

● Immediate post-overpass analysis

● Support of any remote sensor

● Classification of marine pollution

● Automated scene analysis

● Computer-aided report creation

● Geo-referencing and GIS capability

● In-flight and ground processing

● Display of electronic charts

● Redundant storage

● AIS support


MEDUSA as a network of sensors

The MEDUSA System can incorporate any type of remote sensor, like for example electro-optical scanners, cameras, radar systems, infrared imagers, lidar systems, and imaging radiometers. Moreover, other mission system components like AIS, Direction Finder and communication systems are integrate as well.

Each of the sensors integrated into the MEDUSA network is administrated by an individual sensor processor which (1) digitizes and stores the data on an internal buffer, (2) attaches time stamps to the data and (3) transfers the time-referenced data via fiber optic network to the database of the central mission computer.

The central mission computer stores the data and provides time information as well as display and operating interfaces. Sensor management, on-line visualization and data analysis is facilitated by graphical user interface (GUI). Due to redundant data storage on both the sensor processor and the database of the central mission computer a high reliability is achieved.


The MEDUSA Software Suite

The MEDUSA Software Suite is the software component of OPTIMARE’s network-based data acquisition and processing system MEDUSA. It is used for sensor control as well as for real-time visualization and post-overpass processing of sensor data. The analysis part of the software can be used for both in-flight and ground processing of the data.Export to various file formats(e.g. Geo TIFF, ESRI Shape file and more)

A further special software tool is OPTIMARE’s Oil Spill Scene Analysis System (OSSAS). OSSAS is a sub-component of the MEDUSA Software Suite in the complete maritime pollution surveillance configuration. As an advanced tool for automated analysis of oil spill data is it is capable of Extracting features from IR/UV oil spill imagery (like the area of the oil spill, its center of area, its principal direction, and specific size parameters). Creating segment maps and associated polygons of the most important areas of an oil spill, i.e., the oil covered area as well as the area of intermediate and large oil thickness. Merging multi-sensor oil spill data into a single composite thickness map; creating thematic maps of the oil spill scene.

(Optimare, Edited by Topco)