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New Data on Oil Movements
Source:     Editor:     Date: 2013-3-15


Data on oil movements for 2011 is now available on ITOPF’s WebGIS site. Raw data on laden oil tanker shipments was obtained from Lloyds List Intelligence and digitalised into individual GIS journeys, based on an established route network.

The result is a schematic showing major tanker routes, traffic density and an approximation of the total volume of cargo carried within any specific region.

Datasets for 2001 and 2005 data are also available, which enables an assessment of the changing patterns in transportation of oil by sea and, consequently, the changing risk. ITOPF’s GIS platform has proved a powerful tool for visualising tanker voyages and can be integrated with datasets such as location of historical spills and environmentally sensitive areas, in order to assist with planning and preparedness for oil spill events.

(, Edited by Topco)