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Buckeye reduces flow on oil pipelines after spill-NJ regulator
Source:     Editor:     Date: 2012-12-21


Buckeye Partners has isolated two underground oil product pipelines and reduced flow rates in Hillsborough, New Jersey after a spill was detected earlier this week, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection said on Tuesday.

The leak was detected after residents complained of gasoline vapors in the area, the New Jersey DEP said, adding that a vacuum truck has "recovered" approximately 700 gallons of oil product from the excavation area since early on Monday.

"Buckeye representatives have isolated the lines in this location and reduced the pressure from 800 psi (pounds per square inch) to approximately 400 psi," a spokesman for the New Jersey DEP said in an email.

Earlier, a person familiar with the company's operations said the firm had shut down a gasoline service line in the area after a spill of around 25 gallons.

It was not immediately clear when the full line would be reopened. There is no danger to nearby residents, the DEP said.

(Reuters, edited by Topco)