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Investigation of Oiled Wildlife on St. Lawrence
Source:     Editor:     Date: 2012-12-14

The Unified Command consisting of the USCG, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife continues to work with the communities of Gambell and Savoonga to investigate reports of oiled wildlife on the shore of St. Lawrence on Thursday 6 December 2012.

The UC determined that there is not an active spill near St. Lawrence Island but will continue to monitor the situation and investigate any future reports it receives. The last report the UC received about impacted wildlife was 26 November 2012 and reported a bird seen 10 days earlier near Savoonga. There have been no reports of impact to endangered species in the area.

Lab results from samples collected by investigators from impacted wildlife in November revealed degraded heavy oil in some samples, however, none of the wildlife samples are a match with any suspected sources sampled. ADEC, USFWS, NOAA will continue analysis in an effort to narrow down what type of oil was present.

The Coast Guard was notified about reports of oiled wildlife on St. Lawrence Island by the National Response Center on 7 November 2012 and began an investigation into the reports. A Coast Guard HC-130 Hercules airplane crew from Air Station Kodiak with a pollution investigator aboard conducted an aerial survey of the waters surrounding the island on 8 November, but reported no sightings of maritime pollution. Investigators also deployed to St. Lawrence Island to conduct shoreline assessments with local guides and collect samples for analysis. (SpillInternational, Edited by Topco)